Matthew Matthew

Monohull VS Catamaran

Catamarans vs. monohull is a popular and common discussion with dozens of talking points. It’s a subject we’re not uniquely qualified nor experienced to debate. So why did we produce this video and write this blog? The simple answer is: catamarans vs. monohull doesn’t matter. Live your dream. That’s it. Don’t wait for the perfect time or the perfect boat. There is no perfect time. There is no perfect boat. Do it now. Live and love your adventure in any shape or form you can. It’s what we call passion for the passage. Passion for the passage for us in this stage in our journey is about downsizing our life, purchasing, fixing, and learning our boat. That’s our current passage.

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Devin Devin

10 Tips to stay cool on a Boat

This spring has been one of the wettest and coolest in a while. But even in Portland, Oregon the spring ends and summer begins. On one of the recent weekends, the temperatures were hovering just below triple digits Saturday through Monday. With this video and blog, we share our tips to beat the heat. We recognize these tips apply to us while at the dock and may not be suitable for everyone. And certainly, our tips to beat the heat will change when we can be out at anchor!

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